【新手上路】Motivation Letter介紹,4步驟寫出申請動機!

朋友們好,今天這篇文章主要要來分享我如何撰寫我的申請動機信(Motivation letter 或 Statement of Purpose)。我會在這裡一起陪伴大家把這個留學必備文件用簡單4步驟寫出來,我也會解構這個文件的目的還有撰寫技巧。那麼我們就開始吧!

朋友們好,今天這篇文章主要要來分享我如何撰寫我的申請動機信(Motivation letter 或 Statement of Purpose)。我會在這裡一起陪伴大家把這個留學必備文件用簡單4步驟寫出來,我也會解構這個文件的目的還有撰寫技巧。那麼我們就開始吧!

什麼是 Motivation Letter 動機信?

什麼是 Motivation Letter 動機信

Motivation Letter 顧名思義就是敘述擬申請該系所的『原因』。所以在每一個段落都要記得與你的申請動機環環相扣。審理單位看完後會明白你為什麼要申請該校,也將對你個人條件是否與此學程所需去做媒合。把這個文件想像成CV(【範本分享】Curriculum Vitae介紹,帶你4個小訣竅寫CV)的詳細版本,並寫出了眾多你想申請的原因。請記住,這些原因無須侷限於學業、工作方面,也能適時地提到你的興趣、人格特質、家庭背景…等等,可以讓審理單位對你會有有別於其他申請者的印象。


下面的章節裡,我會分享出當年我申請RWTH Aachen的Motivation Letter(會隱藏一些敏感的個人資訊),其中包含了四個主要的結構:

  1. 我的成長背景
  2. 我的興趣、人格特質與此系所的適配程度
  3. 我的專業與此系所的適配程度
  4. 結語



Dear Sir/Madam,
I am **** and want to state my great motivation of applying for your institute through this letter. Since I was a little girl, my father has worked as a professional tour leader, who always had many chances to visit different European countries. He usually shared his memorable travelling experience and encouraged me to stay in a foreign country once in my lifetime. I was deeply motivated by his words, so I have started planning my postgraduate study in an European country since I was a college student. I expect to experience a fresh lifestyle and attain my degree that benefits my future career if I could have this honorable chance to study at your institute.

在這一段我不是單純寫了我的背景,而是把我的生長背景跟申請動機緊緊扣牢。” He usually shared his memorable travelling experience and encouraged me to stay in a foreign country once in my lifetime”。我發現這個技巧會讓你的信與眾不同,畢竟每個人的生長環境跟家庭背景都不同,所以在信的開頭就讓你與其他人做了一個區隔,這也能使你的申請動機不只來自於學業或工作相對比較『被動的條件』(比如:我大學的時候讀了___科系,所以我想申請這間學校),會讓你的信有比較豐富的層次。



RWTH Aachen creates a free academic environment to encourage students and researchers to make significant contribution to high-end innovation that makes itself reputational worldwide. With a high ratio of foreign students, students here are more open-minded to exchange their ideas with others, where definitely is the ideal place for me to study. For the provided course, it combines a wide range of multi-disciplined topics and a focus on integrated understanding of management, engineering, and technology, which makes me an outstanding technology leader after graduation. As a result, I would deeply appreciate if I could have an opportunity to study in this amazing organization.

我強烈建議朋友們在寫文件的時候,一定要先看清楚你要申請的系所提供的課程網站以及學校的官網。每間學校都有自身著名的領域,研究風氣、教學風格也都不一樣。像是這一段文字,我參考了 RWTH Aachen 的網站跟課程的簡介加以潤適,再寫進信內。這個動作說明了你有備而來,不是在網路上隨意拼湊剪貼交出來的


I truly believe my personality and solid background make myself an important asset to your institute. When I was a senior college student, I had held a voluntary winter camp at a suburban school and prepared scientific workshop for kids to gain knowledge about fundamental science. The last day I received much touching feedback from the children, who genuinely expressed their thankfulness during days we spent with each other, and I felt like the kindness and caring that I carry made me powerful to do right things. This also encourages me to be a professional in engineering to accelerate innovative sustainability and make our world an eco-friendly place, which conforms to one of an important educational goal of your institute.




In terms of my expertise, I have a firm understanding toward chemical engineering gained in my college, from basic chemistry to advanced engineering theory that structures the interaction mechanism of energy and matters.



After my graduation, I joined one of the largest chemical company, *****, where I explored my career interest and broadened skills out of my background. I engaged in making new electroplating product in R&D group, and was assigned to lead a methodological development team of 6 people in 2020.
In 2022, I transferred to pilot-test team to validate electrochemical-analytical methods to meet customer needs. By the middle of 2022, I started to manage inventory and coordinate the chemical logistics to accomplish every test on time to win the business. The job experience strengthens my capability in technology and management areas. Meanwhile, I accomplished
the certificate course of IBM Data Science and Six-Sigma Greenbelt respectively in 2019 and 2022, which consolidate my concept of applying data analysis skills and DMAIC trouble-shooting protocol. The previous experience has made me clear about what I am eager for. I often imagined my future employment as a technology leader, product manager or integrated engineer if I continue to strengthen my technology and management background in postgraduate education offered by your

基本上這個部分的邏輯跟學術能力適相似的。但是我個人在工作上受到的啟發以及發生的故事比較多,所以我在這裡寫的篇幅就比較大。朋友們可以自行決定學術、工作能力的篇幅占比。段落的最後我寫了 “The previous experience(…略) in postgraduate education offered by your department.” 寫下我的職涯規劃及目標,而我相信在這裡讀書可以使我更靠近我的夢想,所以這是我申請這間學校的原因。


Actually, I have gotten offer from your institute in 2021. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, I was forced to postpone my schedule temporarily, but it never undermined my passion. Now, I believe it is a perfect time for me to pursue my dream again. Thank you for referring my application. I believe studying at RWTH Aachen is the most desirable opportunity I would love to devote myself whole-heartedly. I would do my best to meet and even exceed your expectations if I kindly to be given
a chance.

最後一段的結尾,我認為要謹慎且認真地表明你真的需要這個機會,讓你的職涯或學術規劃能夠更上一層樓,同時之箭也要注意字句之間的禮儀,例如『Thank you for referring my application』。並且在結尾處說明,如果我有幸取得這個機會,我一定會盡我所能達成學校的要求,並且成為一個有貢獻的人。


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